Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Promo Buttons


A little update from my side, I've uploaded just very few buttons for everyone to put up on your websites, e-mail signatures, MSN avatars, etc... I know they're not really buttons and aren't so great-looking but hopefully it will do for the time being. I will try to add more fancy stuffs to them soon.

Bring Norah Jones to Malaysia Bring Norah Jones to Malaysia Bring Norah Jones to Malaysia
Promo buttons, take your pick

All you need to do is to right-click on the image, save it, add it into your template and link it to this blog. Let me know if you're unable to do this, kay?

On an even better news, thanks to Zona, Alda from Stellar Entertainment is interested to book Norah Jones and help promote a concert in KL. According to him, the record label only controls the album side of things and that the best way is to find concert promoters in KL. So that's where he will come in. I don't know about the charges and all, but perhaps we can negotiate with him first. So what do you think? Let me know!


porkchop said...

Wow!! That is SO COOL! I can still contact EMI, and see if they want to be a part of this. So... what do we do now? Meet him? Mail him?

Amanda said...

Maybe EMI and Stellar can work hand in hand? We can mail him and see how it goes?

iwannaeatporkchoptonight said...

coolness maximus.