Friday, August 10, 2007

New blogger.

Linora, everyone. Everyone, Linora. :)

She'll be blogging and helping out with the tent cards.

I actually bought some cards and am hoping to work on it real soon. But I shyyyyy laaaa to post it up here. He he he.


Amanda said...

Must put it up. :)
Are you planning to put one in KLCC? Hehehe..

sinned.697 said...

Yeah sue, you should flood KLCC with those tent cards! Vandalize/Grafitize the walls with those cards. And make sure newspaper get to know about it. I'm sure they would love to report it, since nowadays nothing worth reading in the newspaper anyways :)

Anonymous said...

Hehehe Hello hello and thanks for the invite Sue ^_^ I'll put up the cards shortly yeah...

iwannaeatporkchoptonight said...

Hehehehe. Yea, tag everywhere, you see me in the lock-up. Headline in the Star for vandalism.